I've been working in my new job for a month now. It's been weird adjusting to a "normal" office environment where not everyone wants to watch funny videos of cats on their lunch break haha!
It's pretty straight forward stuff, general admin and I get to make posters/flyers/newsletters so haven't stepped out of the design world completely! It's hard to get used to not being the person who has pretty much sole responsibility for everything running smoothly, but also pretty nice.
I must say though the lack of stress in this new job is a beautiful, beautiful thing! No longer do I come home in a foul mood, complain about work all night and dread the next morning. Nowadays I come home and get stuck into work for my market stall or design work, cook proper dinners and even squeeze in some crafting time!
Another benefit is getting to dress like a grown up every day! Finally get to wear all manner of accessories!! I've accumulated soooo much jewellery and accessories over the years I'm so happy i get to put them to good use!
Like this little number, i bought on holiday in Westport last year and never got to wear it because in my old job we had the dreaded polo shirts, which don't quite go with necklaces!
All in all it's going well, everyone in the office is friendly and good for a giggle so I really can't complain! Now if I use this stress free time to figure out what my life plan and long term goals are that would be perfect!!